Denyse's Blog is for Every Leader Who Wants to Put Customers at the Heart of Their Business to Accelerate Growth and Profitability

Both online and offline best practices from across the globe are covered. Select one of the topic areas we cover, or see our latest posts below.

Top Questions About Customer Centricity

Maximising Customer Value: Answering Your Top Questions About Customer Centricity

As a customer-first strategist, I am frequently asked about customer centricity and the value it brings to a business when they adopt the strategy. I, therefore, thought it would be useful to share the topics my clients ask me about...
mind the gap

The Little Known Disadvantages of a Customer-first Strategy

The business world has significantly shifted in recent years, and I, for one, am excited to see so many companies adopting a customer-first strategy. However, like any strategy, a customer-first approach has pros and cons. Therefore I thought it would...
lead a customer-first strategy

How Leaders can Successfully Lead a Customer-first Strategy Adoption

As a leader, you know that customer centricity is critical to the success of your business. However, it is not enough to pay lip service to this concept; you must make it an integral part of your company's culture and...
Emotional intelligence

The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Driving Business Growth

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, has emerged as a critical factor in driving business growth by enabling organisations to develop more meaningful customer relationships. In today's ever-changing business environment, organisations seek innovative ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. While many...
the power of ai and ml in digital marketing

The Promise of AI and ML to Take Digital Marketing to the Next Level

Everyone seems to be talking about the impact of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) these days. As if ChatGPT wasn't enough to get everyone excited, OpenAI surpassed itself by upgrading to ChatGPT4! And competitors are forced to launch...
Connection and Engagement

Post Covid People are Searching for More Meaningful Connection & Engagement

I know, you probably don't want to read yet another article about the post-pandemic era. But bear with me; this is about customer connection and engagement. Since covid, people have changed their perspective on many categories. They have also adapted...
Best investment for business growth

Why a Customer-First Strategy Is Your Best Business Investment

A lot has been written about the benefits to customers of a company that adopts a customer-first approach. But many companies still don't understand why it is their best business investment for growth as well. So I thought I would...
Ignite enthusiasm

How Your Executive Team Can Ignite Enthusiasm for Your New Company Vision

Rapid market changes are being witnessed in many industries, forcing many companies to adopt a brand new company vision. Just see how Netflix, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Tesla have reinvented themselves in the past few years. And we've all seen...
Strategy failure

7 Reasons Why Your Customer First Strategy Adoption Will Fail!

Every CEO knows that a stronger customer focus can be the answer to many - dare I say most? - of their business challenges! So why do so many companies continue to struggle in successfully adopting a customer-first strategy and...
The essentials of a great website

Win Online: 9 Ways to Make a Great Website that Engages More Successfully

What makes a great website? What makes a website great for your customers? What makes a website great for your potential customers? The answers to these questions will help you to publish a successful website. One that encourages current and...

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