How Your Executive Team Can Ignite Enthusiasm for Your New Company Vision

Ignite enthusiasm

Rapid market changes are being witnessed in many industries, forcing many companies to adopt a brand new company vision. Just see how Netflix, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Tesla have reinvented themselves in the past few years.

And we’ve all seen a freshly hired CEO decide on a new or expanded direction for their organisation, in order to make his/her mark quickly.

Of course, some (many?) fail this delicate task, as recently witnessed with Elon Musk for Twitter, but it can be done effectively and painlessly with a bit of thought.

To illustrate how it can be achieved, I will use the example of adopting a customer-first strategy (what else?!) and a 7-step roadmap for the executive team to follow, which will encourage all employees to embrace the new company mission.


1. Communicate importance of customer focus

Let’s start with by far the most important point, communication.

The executive leadership team should clearly communicate the importance of putting the customer first and how this approach aligns with the organization’s mission and goals. This should be accomplished through various channels such as company-wide meetings, memos, and emails.

Effective communication is key in getting the entire organization to embrace a customer-first strategy. The executive team should share the reasons why the organization is making this change and how it will benefit both the customers and the company as a whole.

This could include communicating the importance of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, as well as the long-term impact on the business’s reputation and bottom line.

Here are some suggested steps to do this:

  • Schedule a company-wide meeting to announce the adoption of a customer-first strategy.
  • Prepare a clear and concise message explaining why the change is being made and how it aligns with the organization’s mission and goals.
  • Encourage open discussion and answer any questions or concerns employees may have.
  • Follow up with an email or memo that summarizes the main points of the meeting and provides additional information on the customer-first strategy.
  • Continuously measure and communicate the progress and success of the customer-first approach, to keep employees engaged and motivated.


2. Lead by example

The C-suite should lead by example and demonstrate the desired behaviors and attitudes towards customers that they want to see in all their employees.

This means actively listening to customer feedback, being responsive to their needs, and treating them with respect and empathy. It also includes responding to customer feedback and addressing their needs.

It’s important for the executive team to be accessible and approachable at all times, and to actively seek out customer feedback and respond to it in a timely manner. This is by far the best way to understand what is going on in the business.

The summary steps are:

  • Train senior management on the principles of a customer-first approach and how they can demonstrate their commitment to this strategy.
  • Make sure leaders are accessible and approachable, and actively seek out customer feedback and respond to it in a timely manner.
  • Encourage everyone to share their success stories and best practices with the rest of the organization. Publicly reward those that show the desired changes.
  • Hold senior leaders accountable for adhering to the customer-first strategy and making customer satisfaction a top company priority.
  • Follow appropriate metrics that align with the desired changes in customers’ attitudes and behaviours as well as internal transformations.


3. Align processes and systems

An organisation’s processes, systems, and policies must support the customer-first approach and remove any roadblocks that may hinder its adoption. This is the best way to make it easier for employees to put the customer first.

The changes that may be required include streamlining customer service procedures, improving how customer complaints are handled, and investing in technology that makes it easier to interact with customers.

Typical steps to achieve these are:

  • Conduct a thorough review of the current processes, systems, and policies currently in place and identify anything that could hinder a customer-first approach.
  • Work with relevant departments and teams to streamline customer service procedures, and improve complaint-handling processes.
  • Invest in technologies that make it easier to interact with customers. And remember to consider both directions of any connection.
  • Ensure that the customer-first approach is reflected in all customer-facing materials, such as brochures, websites, and other marketing materials. For more on making your website more customer focussed, check out the post “Win Online: 9 Ways to Make a Great Website that Engages More Successfully”
  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of customer-facing processes and systems and make any necessary changes to improve the customer experience.


4. Embed customer feedback

The executive leadership team should encourage all employees to seek out customer feedback and make it part of the decision-making process. This helps ensure that customer perspectives are taken into account and that decisions are made with the customer in mind. Customer feedback should be integrated into the decision-making process to ensure that the organization is always putting the customer first. This could involve using customer feedback to inform product development, improve customer service processes, and make data-driven decisions. It’s important for all employees to understand the importance of seeking out customer feedback and using it to drive change within the organization.

  • Establish a system for collecting and analyzing customer feedback, such as customer surveys, focus groups, or online reviews.
  • Ensure that customer feedback is shared with all relevant departments and teams, and used to inform product development, improve customer service processes, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Provide training and resources to help employees understand how to use customer feedback to drive change within the organization.
  • Encourage all employees to seek out customer feedback and use it to continuously improve the customer experience.


5. Provide training and resources

The executive leadership team should provide training and resources to employees to help them understand the customer-first approach and how to implement it in their day-to-day work. This could include customer service training, workshops, or access to customer data and feedback. It’s important for employees to have the tools and resources they need to provide excellent customer service and to feel empowered to make decisions that put the customer first.

  • Develop a training program that covers the principles of a customer-first approach and how to implement it in day-to-day work.
  • Provide customer service training to all employees, with a focus on empathy, active listening, and problem-solving skills.
  • Offer workshops, webinars, and other learning opportunities to help employees deepen their understanding of the customer-first approach.
  • Provide employees with access to customer data and feedback, and encourage them to use this information to inform their work.


6. Encourage and reward customer-centric behaviour

The executive leadership team should encourage and reward employees who demonstrate a strong commitment to putting customers first. This can be done through performance evaluations, promotions, or bonuses. Encouraging and rewarding customer-centric behavior is key in getting employees to embrace the customer-first approach. This could include performance evaluations that assess the extent to which employees are putting the customer first, promotions for employees who consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service, and bonuses for employees who go above and beyond to meet customer needs.

  • Incorporate customer focus into employee performance evaluations and provide regular feedback on how well employees are putting the customer first.
  • Promote employees who consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service and reward those who go above and beyond to meet customer needs.
  • Recognize and reward team successes that are driven by a customer-first approach, such as increased customer satisfaction or loyalty.
  • Provide incentives and rewards for employees who consistently put the customer first, such as bonuses, promotions, or special recognition.


7. Continuously monitor and improve

The executive leadership team should regularly assess the effectiveness of the customer-first strategy and make changes as needed to ensure its success. This could include gathering customer feedback, tracking customer satisfaction metrics, and conducting regular audits of customer-facing processes and systems. The executive leadership team should also be proactive in identifying areas for improvement and taking steps to make changes that will benefit the customer.

  • Regularly gather and analyze customer feedback to assess the effectiveness of the customer-first strategy.
  • Track customer satisfaction metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer retention rates, and complaint resolution times.
  • Conduct regular audits of customer-facing processes and systems to identify areas for improvement and make changes as needed.
  • Encourage all employees to continuously seek out opportunities to improve the customer experience and make customer satisfaction a top priority.
By following these steps, the executive leadership team can create a culture of customer focus within the organization and ensure that all employees work together to meet and exceed customer expectations.

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