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Denyse's Blog is for Every Leader Who Wants to Put Customers at the Heart of Their Business to Accelerate Growth and Profitability
Both online and offline best practices from across the globe are covered. Select one of the topic areas we cover, or see our latest posts below.
How Can You Provide Better Service For Your Clients?
How Can You Provide Better Services For Your Client? This is a great question isn't it? It was asked recently on Quora and I answered it, as I do many that...
Three Clever Ways to Know the Competition Better
What is the secret to success in business? That's easy! It's how well you know the competition. Alright, maybe this is a slightly over-simplified...
How to Update Your Marketing with a Customer First Strategy
All marketers know their marketing 5Ps, but how do you update your marketing when you adopt a customer first strategy? Here are some tips and ideas for you...
5 Business Success Factors (So You’re Ready for Anything!)
We are sweltering in the Northern Hemisphere with record temperatures, so here's a "cool" idea on how businesses can get ready for anything by applying...
How Well Do you Know Your Customers? 13 Questions your Boss Expects you to Answer
Be a true leader; share this post with the members of your team who need the inspiration and support. Your boss expects you to be able to answer all his...
Top 10 Marketing Infographics to Smash 2018 (Inspiration for the Visual World)
One of C3Centricity's annual traditions is to publish a post which shares the best marketing infographics of the previous twelve months. Here is this...
Why You Struggle To Meet Your Business Objectives (And how to Crush them)
"There may be customers without brands, but there are NO brands without customers!" I am often quoted as saying this and yet I still find most companies...
Customer Centricity is Today’s Business Disruptor (Insights are its Foundation)
I recently returned from a speaking invitation in Las Vegas. It was an incredible Symposium run by Sitecore, and I was blown away by the importance placed...
Smart Marketing for Smart Customers (What Marketers Need to Know Today)
Our customers are getting smarter every day. But are we performing smart marketing too? I don't think so. When I have the chance to look at what most...
7 Essential Steps to Successful Business Projects (A Useful Roadmap)
Although there is no magic bullet to transform your business into a successful powerhouse, I have witnessed similarities amongst those that grow more...