Denyse's Blog is for Every Leader Who Wants to Put Customers at the Heart of Their Business to Accelerate Growth and Profitability
Both online and offline best practices from across the globe are covered. Select one of the topic areas we cover, or see our latest posts below.
Top 20 Most Popular Customer Centricity Articles of 2020
Traditionally C3Centricity publishes a list of the most popular posts about customer centricity on its blog in January and this year is no exception, despite COVID's extraordinary impact on businesses the world over. Many people were working from home this...
Are Smart Things Really Smart or is it Just Smart Marketing?
Earlier this year I wrote about the impact of AI and ML on digital marketing. The article is called "AI and ML are Taking Digital Marketing to the Next Level." In it, I compared the positive and negative implications of...
Why UX Design is Vital to User Satisfaction and Ongoing Job Security
One of the greatest changes that the current pandemic has prompted, is the increase in the use of technology. From smarter homes to an improved online experience, people have a lot to gain from the situation. This is why UX...
How Understanding Shoppers Can Save Retail
Did you know that understanding shoppers has become a business essential in recent years? Do you want to know why? Because retail is in crisis! Investment in brick-and-mortar stores has declined 30% in the US and a staggering 50% in...
The 7 Keys to Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Ever wonder how to get more people talking about your business? It's simple. Offer them incredible products and services that solve their problems and fulfil their needs and desires. Then when you have converted them into customers, continue to keep...
Is the Future of Retail, Physical or Virtual? Is This Just a Reset or Do we Need a Full Reboot?
Will the future of retail be without physical outlets? I remember having a very interesting discussion with a new client a couple of years ago on exactly this topic. Like many CPG companies at the time, they were considering online...
How to Succeed in Leadership, Marketing, Innovation and Insight
Although I love quotes, especially about how to succeed, I love success even more. Do you? One of my favourite quotes on the topic of success comes from Winston Churchill during his address to the Harrow School (UK) during WWII...
How to Improve Customer Centricity in Hospitality
The title of this week’s post might surprise you. After all, the hospitality industry should be highly customer centric, as it relies on satisfying its guests. However, it can learn a lot from consumer packaged goods (FMCG/CPG), as I shared...
Why Technology Won’t Help You Understand Your Customers
Were you surprised to read the title of this post? Do you believe that using technology to understand customers is the only way today? Then let me explain why I believe it's not quite that simple. In today's data-rich environment...
Are You Still Using The Marketing 5Ps? Move To The Improved 7Qs.
Denyse Drummond-Dunn · Are You Still Using The Marketing 5Ps? Move To The Improved 7Qs. “Never miss an episode. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new episodes as they become available.” Marketing is a great profession and the marketing 5Ps...