Denyse's Blog is for Every Leader Who Wants to Put Customers at the Heart of Their Business to Accelerate Growth and Profitability
Both online and offline best practices from across the globe are covered. Select one of the topic areas we cover, or see our latest posts below.
24 Factors to Consider in Pricing your Product, Service or Solution.
We have a treat for you today. It's a guest post from the highly respected global expert on customer centricity, Alan Hale of Chicago. He writes about the...
Should CMOs Concentrate on Brand Building or Business Growth?
Which is more important, brand building or business growth? Do you remember when Coca-Cola did away with their CMO in favour of a Chief Growth Officer?...
How to Sell More to Less People: Essentials of Segmentation
Businesses often make the mistake of trying to sell to everyone, rather than running a segmentation. Are you guilty of this? Why is this a mistake? Well...
How to Measure Customer-Centricity the Right Way
Denyse Drummond-Dunn · How to measure customer centricity the right way As a customer-first strategist (just like you I hope), I spend a lot of my time...
The 5 Essential Rules of Customer Observation for Greater Business Success
One of the best ways I know to understand your customers is to watch and listen to them whenever you can. Customer observation is a powerful, but...
The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly Parts of a Head of Marketing Job
Did you know that the average tenure of a Head of Marketing continues to fall, reaching just 41 months according to the latest Spencer Stuart...
A Winning Marketing Plan: 9 Questions Every Marketer Should Be Able To Answer
What does it take to write a winning marketing plan? Every marketer writes a marketing or business plan each year don't they, so how difficult can it be...
How to Cheat Your Customer – or Not!
Does your company try to cheat your customer? Is it because you think they won't notice? Or do you believe that enough people are willing to buy your brand...
Top 20 Most Popular Customer Centricity Articles of 2020
Traditionally C3Centricity publishes a list of the most popular posts about customer centricity on its blog in January and this year is no exception...
Are Smart Things Really Smart or is it Just Smart Marketing?
Earlier this year I wrote about the impact of AI and ML on digital marketing. The article is called "AI and ML are Taking Digital Marketing to the Next...