The Secrets to Growth. How to Get New Customers

secrets to get new clients

This shorter than usual post was inspired by a great question on Quora about how to get new clients. Although my original answer was for a web design company, most of my ideas are relevant whatever industry or profession you are in. I therefore wanted to share my answers to the question in the hope of being of help to businesses large or small.

First let me say that if you’re struggling to grow, then you’re not alone! I imagine that this won’t make you feel much better. But please remember that business, especially entrepreneurship and freelancing, is for those who are strong of mind and spirit. There are going to be days, weeks or maybe even months of highs and lows. However, these shouldn’t make you question why you do what you do. For me, as a longtime entrepreneur, it’s the freedom that more than makes up for a day or two without a new client signing me up. And if you work in the corporate world, then it is the chance to impact the lives of thousands or millions of people for the better.

Wherever you work, one thing we all have in common is the need and desire to grow the business and get new customers and clients.

A few ideas for you to think about and above all to action!

Whatever ideas, tips, suggestions you may read or hear about, it is only in the action that you will make a difference. This article is no different. So when you’ve finished reading the post, stop reviewing your emails or surfing the web, and start planning your actions. We all go looking for answers, but only a few of us act on them when we find something useful. Be the exception and beat the competition!

As an aside, this is why my book “Winning Customer Centricity: Putting Customers at the Heart of Your Business – One Day at a Time” (includes link to download some sample chapters) is in a radically different format from every other business book out there. It has 50 chapters, but each one is only two pages long! Two pages of objectives, actions, examples and ideas, as well as an inspiring quote and a fun cartoon. It finally makes learning enjoyable again. Isn’t that what we all want? Now back to the answers.

1. Who were your Past Customers?

Let’s start with where you are today, or were yesterday. What were your past customers’ similarities? Go out and find more like them, using the same method they used to find you.

Was it word of mouth? Then ask for recommendations from them and your closest network. Was it through LinkedIn? Then make some new connections that are similar to them. Reach out to a segment of those who are most like your past customers and you think may have similar needs.

Any of these ideas will bring you more new potential customers than most advertising spend ever will. This is because you are speaking directly to the type of people who are most interested in what you have to offer. Obvious really, but we too often jump on the bandwagon of what big brands and “gurus” are using. You’ll have time for advertising when you are one of them. Until then, spend your money more wisely, when you want to get new clients.

2. Get Intimate with your Current and Past Customers

Ask your current customers, or those for whom you have just finished a project, if they need anything else? Ask them if they know anyone else who may need your services. They have just seen you in action and assuming they are happy with the result, they are probably happy to share their experiences with others. If they don’t have any ideas, then at least get a quote from them that you can share on your website. Social proof remains one of the best ideas to influence people who are unsure about hiring you, so you can get new clients.

Then analyse the profiles and develop a persona of your ideal client, if you don’t already have one. You can use my 4W™ template to help you with this task. Remember that the 4Ws stand for WHO, WHAT, WHERE and most importantly of all WHY. Often it is in the WHY that you will get ideas about who and where else you can go looking for work. Chase the problem and offer a solution. Most entrepreneurs and businesses make the mistake of chasing customers and fail to connect with them. Ссылка на порно


3. Go Online and Find People Talking about your Category or the Type of Work you do

Quora is a good place to start. Answer questions so you get noticed and appreciated for your wisdom. (Hope I’m impressing you with my ideas here! If not then please leave a comment and tell me what I could do better)

Next check the usual social media platforms and again find discussions about what you offer. Reach out to anyone who says they’re frustrated, angry, unhappy etc. Understand why they are saying this and then offer them a solution.

That’s a surefire way to get new clients, because we all love people who come to us with solutions rather than problems, don’t we? And we forget that many executives haven’t got someone else to turn to. Be that person.

4. Offer a Free Analysis of Potential Clients’ Websites

This was in answer to the industry in which the person who asked the question on Quora was working. I do this a lot, as reviewing a potential customer’s website is a great way to see just how customer centric they are – or not! (If you would like a free analysis, just add your name and website URL below and I’ll send you my thoughts) But you can offer potential clients the chance to experience your work for free in many other ways.

Free is one of the most popular words on the internet, so why not make use of it? But don’t overload your response by providing too much detail. Give too much and they won’t need to hire you, they will be able to follow your suggestions and do it themselves. (And I stand guilty of this, I know! I always like to over-deliver.)

Provide a few ideas about things that need changing, but don’t give the solution too. End with a comment like “There’s a lot more I could help you with to make your website shine, but it would be too long to write here in detail. Let me know if you’d like to chat.” Then pitch them your solution when you have the person on the line.

I use this myself. I offer the C3C Evaluator™ tool for free and charge for the full quiz. People who try the mini version still get tremendous value and clear actionable results from it, but of course the full tool would provide much more depth – plus a free advisory session with me to discuss next steps. All this for $99 when my hourly rates are more than five times that! I’m sure you can see that they are getting a bargain, and me a very happy potential new client!

5. Frequent Outreach

Perhaps the best tip of all, is this last one – for now; I have many more I can share of course. (See what I just did?!) Go back to everyone who responded to your outreach but said no. Perhaps it was no then, but could be a yes now. However, don’t pester them with daily or even weekly emails. Wait a month or more before reaching out again. Also, go back to everyone who didn’t respond. These days, we receive so many messages that we sometimes delete without reading, or they end up in our spam folder. Send a second and third follow-up email, again waiting a few weeks or even a month or two between each.

So there you have a few ideas on how you too can grow and get more clients. Hopefully these five suggestions and tens of ideas will spark some ideas for action in you for your business. PRINT THIS OFF AND READ IT whenever you are in a low spot on your business curve. It will inspire you to take action in those moments where we feel frozen in panic and lacking in ideas.

And of course, you can always reach out to me for a whole lot more. I’m Denysech on Skype. However, if you do connect there, please explain why you are connecting. I get anonymous connection requests every day – and refuse all those from people I don’t know! Thanks.

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