In Today’s Competitive Market, AI is the Key to Winning Customer Loyalty

If you haven’t already heard, AI is the key to winning customer loyalty today!

As the digital revolution transforms the business landscape, customers demand more from their interactions with companies.

They expect personalised, seamless experiences across all channels and touchpoints, and they want their needs to be anticipated so they are met both quickly and efficiently.

To address these expectations, businesses realise that AI is the key to helping them deliver exceptional customer experiences that are both personalised and efficient.

So let’s explore how AI can help your organisation improve your customer’s experience and provide some valuable tips for seamlessly integrating AI into your customer-first strategy.


AI is the key to customer satisfaction through personalisation

AI can help businesses meet their customers’ expectations by providing personalised recommendations, tailored messaging, and customised experiences.

One way of doing this is through chatbots and virtual assistants. These tools can help businesses provide instant support and assistance to customers 24/7. They can and should be programmed to recognise each individual’s preferences and behaviours.

Chatbots and virtual assistants can also help businesses collect data on customer interactions, which can then be used to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of customised recommendations.

Another way to personalise customer experience is by making use of predictive analytics. By analysing customer data, businesses can identify individual preferences and behaviour patterns. It can then use this information to personalise their products and services further.

For example, a retailer might use predictive analytics to recommend products based on a customer’s past purchases. A bank might use predictive analytics to offer customised financial advice based on a customer’s spending habits.


AI is the Key to Customer Loyalty and Efficiency

Efficiency is another critical component of delivering an exceptional customer experience. Customers want their needs to be met quickly and efficiently, and they expect businesses to be responsive and proactive in addressing their concerns. AI can help companies to improve efficiency in several ways, from reducing response times to automating routine tasks.

One way to improve efficiency is through chatbots and virtual assistants. These tools can provide instant support and assistance to customers, reducing response times and freeing human agents to focus on more complex issues. Chatbots and virtual assistants can also be programmed to automate routine tasks, such as scheduling appointments or processing payments, further improving efficiency.

Predictive analytics can again be used to also improve efficiency. By analysing customer data, businesses can anticipate customer needs and proactively offer solutions before a customer even realises they have a problem.

For example, a telecommunications company might use predictive analytics to identify when a customer’s data usage is about to exceed their plan limits and proactively offer them an upgrade to a larger plan. With an attractive incentive to do so, this will result in a win-win for both the business and their customers.


Best Practices for Integrating AI into Your CEX Strategy

Integrating AI into your customer experience strategy can be a complex process, but there are some best practices

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The Risks of Not Knowing All 12 Essential Elements of Your Target Customer

I think it’s pretty clear to everyone in business that NOT knowing your target customer costs a lot – sometimes the business itself! (Think Kodak, Nokia, Borders)

So let me ask you this; how well do you really know your own target customers? Are they men, women, younger, older, Fortune 100 companies, local businesses? If you can at least answer that, then you have the basics, but how much more should you know about them?

Well I can help you there, with these 12 essential elements of a customer persona or avatar. 




I was recently working with a local service provider that was looking to improve their online presence. They were keen to have more impact on social media and had asked for advice about the best platforms, optimal frequency of publishing and possible content ideas.

They are a new client for me, so I think they were a little surprised when I didn’t get straight into the “sexy” topic of social media. Instead, I started by taking them through the basics of target customer identification. Lucky for them that I did!

When we had finished the exercise, we had actually found five different targets for them to address, rather than just the two they had been addressing until now. This clearly would have an impact on both where, what and how they communicated online.

It is for this reason that I always recommend that every brand and business completes a target persona and regularly updates it every time they learn something new about their customers. I also encourage you to keep it handy, ideally always visible on or around your desk. That way you will always be thinking customer first whenever you are working on a new project.

So let’s imagine that we’re having our first meeting together and I’m asking a few (well 12 actually!) questions about your customers. How many can you immediately answer?


The 12 Essential Elements of a Target Customer Persona

C3Centricity has designed a simple template that helps clients have all the essential information about their customers in one place, summarised on one page. It’s called the 4W™ Persona Template; if you haven’t already done so, you can download it, together with a detailed workbook explaining exactly how to complete it. Just click on the image below.

I would highly recommend you download it right now, before continuing to read, so that you can follow along with the one-pager in front of you.


Here are the 12 essential elements you need to have at hand in order to complete the template:

1. WHO – DEMOGRAPHICS: This is usually a “no-brainer” and is how most organisations describe their customers. However it’s not really original and definitely not competitive, although they are an essential foundation.

But there is so much more you should and absolutely must know about your customers, so read on.

2. WHAT THEY USE: Whether you are offering a product or providing a service, you … Click to continue reading

Top 10 Marketing Infographics to Smash 2018 (Inspiration for the Visual World)

One of C3Centricity’s annual traditions is to publish a post which shares the best marketing infographics of the previous twelve months.

Here is this year’s crop, with ideas on how you can get inspired to take action in your own marketing.

Interestingly, many marketing infographics that have been shared in the past year are actually about content marketing. It’s as if “true/traditional” marketing doesn’t exist any more. That in itself says a lot about the focus of marketers these days! Are they right to do so? I don’t think so, but let me know your opinion.

In the same way that new media channels were separated from traditional channels for a while. it seems that content marketing has also been separated from traditional marketing. This is wrong from my perspective, because content marketing has always existed, whether through communications on pack, in advertising or more recently on websites.

Anyway, here is this year’s crop of the best marketing infographics around. If yours is not among them then please add a link to your preference in the comments below.


The Most Shared Marketing Infographics of 2017

Most shared marketing infographics

It makes sense that I start this post by taking a look at the most shared marketing infographics of last year. What is great about this post is that it is itself an infographic! It explains what makes a shareabale infographic.

Take a look at the six most shared posts and draw inspiration from their ideas, to create your own.

(Source: Infographic Journal)

(Click image to see full infographic)



Top Marketing Design Trends 

SSTK Core TrendsIFGC Static english eWith the rapid expansion in offers online, websites can no longer satisfy their audience by just adding content. They need to regularly update their design too, to stay fresh and appealing to changing preferences. (C3Centricity does this annually; le me know what you think when we relaunch our new design in a couple of weeks)

This infographic summarises beautifully the trends for the coming year. Check your own site against these images and if you find yours lacking in any way then an update should be planned – sooner rather than later!

(Source: Shutterstock) 

(Click image to see full infographic)




The Meaning of Colours by Culture

Meaning of colour marketing infographicIf you work globally then you already know that while we are all human beings, we are not all the same. This is particularly true in terms of our associations with colour.

These differences come from a wide variety of sources; from tradition, to history and even from the impact of the most popular brands.

So it is important that if you are responsible for a brand globally, or sometimes even regionally, that you understand the nuances in interpretation of your brand’s pack and communication by the colours used.

This infographic, while it may seem complex at first view, will become your best friend once you understand how to look at it.

(Source: Information is Beautiful)

(Click image to see full infographic)


Content Marketing Uses

Content marketing infographic matrix

This is a … Click to continue reading

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