Client Testimonials

Meltem Karahan


Denyse is an expert and thought leader in her area of expertise. She worked with our Company’s Global Insights & Analytics community and helped us to become better at turning insights to action.

Meltem Karahan
Carlsberg Group

Vanessa Oshima

Coca Cola Logo PNG

What was refreshing was the care that Denyse took in designing the course, getting to know our internal processes, pain points and strengths, before she custom designed the course, materials and goals. This showed me that Denyse doesn’t just write about being customer centric – she IS customer centric in the way she runs her own business. Walking the talk.

Vanessa Oshima
Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Planning, Japan, The Coca-Cola Company

Richard Treadwell

Richard Treadwell

Denyse was immensely helpful in providing an independent, insightful, external view on our business and our customers. Her participation in our customer research project allowed us to look at the market from a new perspective and uncover critical questions and issues quicker.

Drawing from her deep experience and understanding of customer behavior around the globe, she was able not only to guide our research effort, but more importantly, to interpret and analyze the results. Her easygoing and direct style facilitated lively and energetic discussion.

I would highly recommend Denyse for any group looking for fresh eyes, broad experience, and a quick mind to add substantial value to a customer research effort.

Richard Treadwell
VP Global Marketing, Biosensors

Joseph Johnson

University of Miami

Denyse has lectured in my New Product class at Miami. My students found her real-world applications of theoretical principles of New Product development very enlightening. They also found her knowledge of modern marketing methods very useful.

Joseph Johnson
Professor, Marketing, Miami University

Tom De Ruyck

Insites Consulting

Denyse not only has a vision for the future of Marketing Research. She also brings years of experience to the table in her hands-on workshops. Last but not least, she also knows how to translate her set of best practices to the current digitalized business reality.

Tom De Ruyck
Managing Partner, Insites Consulting, Belgium

Renaud Du Pasquier

Renaud Du Pasquier

Denyse a apporté son appui à notre Association. Il s’agissait de comprendre pourquoi nous avions de la peine à recruter des clients. Denyse nous a d’abord fait prendre conscience du manque de visibilité de notre image spécifique. Elle nous a fait ressortir les opportunités chez nos clients potentiels et dans les produits proposés. A partir de sa connaissance du terrain et le dépouillement d’un petit questionnaire tout simple elle nous a livré une synthèse forte et des pistes à explorer. Encore un grand merci pour son avis externe et compétent.

Renaud Du Pasquier
Président, ASGIP

Michael Hoy

Michael Hoy

Thank you very much Denyse for your enlightening presentation to our faculty on our recent development day. The topic of ’From Service to Engagement’ is very apt for us, and your slant on this subject adds invaluable dimensions.

It is very important that we use industry experts to address faculty, and I know from their feedback, that some of them will be using your information to good use, in class with our students. I look forward to working with you again soon.

Michael Hoy
Professor, Glion IHE

Richard Beswick

Richard Beswick

A belated thank you for your outstanding presentation. The class was abuzz after your departure. Not only was the content highly relevant, modern and pitched at just the right level, your passion and enthusiasm was inspiring to us all.

I know that the social network dialogue between the class and yourself has begun. One student told me he googled you and got 6 million hits! I would be pleased to invite you to be a guest speaker during my MSc. Market Research class.

Richard Beswick
Professor, BSL


We are a successful Personal Care outlet but we had lost our identity following rapid growth and a move to larger premises.

Denyse showed us how to identify a more focused clientele. We then clarified our message to them and brought our branding to life through a fresh new retail experience and more coordinated colour-coding for all our material, including our physical premises.

President, Personal Care

Michèle Zufferey

Michèle Zufferey

Denyse … nous a fourni de précieux conseils sur notre clientèle-cible …. a redéfini notre Unique Selling Proposition et nous a confirmé l’attractivité de nos produits …. et nous a proposé des améliorations de nos communications. Enfin, elle nous a présenté une perspective d’avenir pour nos produits et notre association. Grâce aux conseils très utiles de Denyse, nous savons quelles sont les forces de nos produits et savons comment améliorer la notoriété de notre association.

Michèle Zufferey
President, AFGIP

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