This interactive workbook shows you how to collect information about your customers and includes blank worksheets for you to complete.
The 4W™ template is designed to help you gather in one place, all the customer wisdom you have – whether from your agencies, internal teams, or your own personal experiences.
You then record everything you know on one clearly laid out page, ready to consult whenever you need to be reminded who your customers are in detail.
When brands and their suppliers understand customers better, they serve those customers better. And when they do, their business grows more profitably, day-in and day-out.

What if you could create and share your first brand persona in the next 5 minutes, ready to start using it for more targeted marketing actions?
Is that something that would be useful? You bet it would!
In this exclusive C3Centricity 28-page, full-colour workbook, we’ll show you the simple steps to creating your first brand persona. Using our proprietary 4W™ Template, which is just one of the many tools and templates from our The Business Accelerator TM, you can capture everything you already know about your customers.
Then keep it beside you and add to it every time you learn something new about your brand’s customers. It will become a living portrayal of your customers, so you keep them top of mind every single day.
Get Your 4W™ Workbook and
Start Creating Your Perfect Customer Persona!
What You’ll Discover from This, Downloadable Workbook & Template:
The 4 key elements of an actionable brand persona.
How to find and gather all the information you already know about your customers.
Identify the missing pieces of your knowledge and learn the sources you can use to gather the information.