The C3C Evaluator
Evaluating Customer Centricity
ease answer all questions and choose all relevant responses to the multiple choice answers.
You need to answer every question to proceed
For questions with a sliding scale please move the bubble to the appropriate position on the scale. You can place it on an answer, between two answers if both are relevant, or between two answers but positioned more towards the more relevant answer of the two, if they are both relevant, but one more so than the other.
You need to answer every question to proceed
For questions with a sliding scale please move the bubble to the appropriate position on the scale. You can place it on an answer, between two answers if both are relevant, or between two answers but positioned more towards the more relevant answer of the two, if they are both relevant, but one more so than the other.
You need to answer every question to proceed
For questions with a sliding scale please move the bubble to the appropriate position on the scale. You can place it on an answer, between two answers if both are relevant, or between two answers but positioned more towards the more relevant answer of the two, if they are both relevant, but one more so than the other.
You need to answer every question to proceed
For questions with a sliding scale please move the bubble to the appropriate position on the scale. You can place it on an answer, between two answers if both are relevant, or between two answers but positioned more towards the more relevant answer of the two, if they are both relevant, but one more so than the other.
You need to answer every question to proceed
You have completed the C3C Evaluator. Here are your summary results.
Here are your results
Your current customer centricity development level: